W121: Finance at the Tip of the Spear

  • Room: Grand F
  • Session Number:W121
Wednesday, July 20, 2022: 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM

Brian Jones
Regional Vice President
Stephen Kunze
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Department of Commerce
Wendell Bazemore CGFM
Associate Director
Financial Management Directorate, IBC


The ability to adapt quickly and continuously is crucial for agencies that want to keep pace with change. But legacy systems and outdated processes often hinder financial reporting improvements. Explore the latest technology advances, including embedded AI, to transform your siloed data from buried treasure to shared wealth and improve your mission outcomes.

Key Take-aways

Key Takeaways:
• The CFO of the future is all about data-driven decisions — not just financial data, but all data — to increase evidence-based decision-making without spending excessive time and effort to gather, prepare and analyze it.
• CFO priorities include modernizing legacy systems with AI & ML for more effectiveness and efficiency with automated tasks and connecting finance, operations and HR in a unified view of data.